In Fischer’s Visit to an Extinct City inspired works the circular form remains, but the materials, narrative and painted surfaces, and scale are continually changing. Each object takes on its own excavation.
Re-ordering order…

What if no one remembers?...
e se nessuno si ricorda?...
Underneath unearthed...
Order slips into order of a different kind...
Growth turns into decay turns into growth...
Landscape of incomplete, of unswept, of cut open, of gone...
The monument and its double...
Layers of dust turn into layers of time...
and yet, and yet remains...
what do we see because we want to see?...
ed era pure luce...
We explore how stories of an extinct city, Ostia Antica, are excavated, interpreted, broken, transformed and transmitted.
Then we search for new ways to express the questions unearthed,
and question the relationship between forms that convey the non-verbal and forms that rely on language.
The project fosters unpredictable collaborations between artists, writers, scientists, scholars and landscapes from all times.
Our guiding spirits are Ovid and Dante – both of whom quickened the epic tradition with landscapes that unearth the realms of the known and the unknown.